(II edition)

The impact of social, legal and economic innovations

September, 27, 2019, Friday – Sala de Profesores – Faculty of Law – Campus de Elviña, University of A Coruña, Spain


09:30. «Inequality, from one dimension to multiple dimensions». Claudio Zoli, Università di Verona, Italy.

10:30. Discussion.

11:00. Coffee break.

11:30. «Labour inequality and risk of exclusion of young workers and its influence on economic growth and social welfare:
some reflections for sustainable development», Xose Picatoste, Universidad Autónoma de Madrdi, and Ernesto Rodríguez Crespo, Universidad Antonio de Nebrija, Spain.

11:50. “Inequality and migration: a theoretical perspective”, Juliana Mihai and Isabel Novo-Corti, Universidade da Coruña, Spain.

12:10. “Human trafficking and gender inequality”, Silvia Rodríguez López, Universidade da Coruña.

12:30. “Criminal law and forced labour”, Valeria Torre, Università degli Studi di Foggia, Italy.

12:50. Discussion.

13:30. Lunch break.

15:00. “Inequality, racism and the rising of neo-fascism in Brazil», Jessè José Freire de Souza. Institute of Applied Economic Research, Brazil.

16:00. Discussion.

16:30. “The Global Transference of Waste as a sign of Environmental Inequality”. María Ángeles Fuentes Loureiro, University of A Coruña, Spain.

16:50. “Neighborhood inequality and spatial segregation: An analysis with tax data for 33 Spanish cities”, Juan Ignacio Martín Legendre,
Pablo Castellanos-García and José Manuel Sánchez-Santos, University of A Coruña, Spain.

17:10. “Criminal Sanctions: does anything work? Food for thought”, Melissa Miedico, University Luigi Bocconi, Milan, Italy.

17:30. “Innovation and inequality. A Schumpeterian look at the skill premium”, Riccardo Leoncini, University of Bologna, Italy.

17:50. Discussion.

18:20. “Inequalities and social exclusion in the European Union”, Diana-Mihaela Țîrcă, “Constantin Brâncuși” University of Târgu-Jiu, Romania,
Mirela Ionela Aceleanu, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania, and Andreea Claudia Șerban, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania.

19:20. Discussion.

On Thursday 26 September we will meet at Tapa Negra, in calle Barrera 32 (very near to Maria Pita Square) at 20:00, for an informal dinner. Everybody is welcomed!

Conference by Rodrigo Lozano

University of Gävle (Sweden)

A discussion on sustainable business models

September, 17th – 10:00h. – Salón de Grados – Faculty of Economics and Business

Conference by Rodrigo Lozano

University of Gävle (Sweden)

Contributions of the firm’s theories to corporate sustainability

Contribuciones de las teorías de la firma a la sostenibilidad corporativa

October, 10th – 11:30h. – Salón de Grados – Faculty of Economics and Business

First session: March 16, 2016. Campus Ferrol. Invited Speaker: Diana Pociovalisteanu (University of Targu Jui – Romania)

Second session: October, 20, 2016. Campus Elviña. Faculty of Sociology. Invited Speaker: Carmen Díaz Roldan (University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain)

Third session: October, 20, 2016. Campus Elviña. Faculty of Sociology. Invited Speaker: Santos Miguel Ruesga Benito (University Autónoma of Madrid, Spain)

Fourth session: October, 21, 2016. Campus Elviña. Faculty of Sociology. Invited Speaker: Rodrigo Lozano (Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands – Editor in Chief – Journal of Cleaner Production)

Rurality and poverty in the euro-region Galicia-North of Portugal: effects of the economic crisis

Xornadas sobre Ruralidade e Pobreza na Eurorexión Galicia-Norte de Portugal
Efectos da crise económica

Data: 15-04-2015

Facultade de CC. do Traballo

Campus de Esteiro


Collaborating institutions


16:00–16:15 – Presentación do taller. Asunción López Arranz (Secretaria da Facultade de CC. do Traballo da UDC) e Isabel Novo Corti (Directora do Departamento de Análise Económica e ADE).

16:15–17:00 – Conferencia – La exclusión social, ¿solo una cuestión económica? Isabel Novo Corti – Directora do Departamento de Análise Económica e ADE.

17:00–17:45 – Conferencia – Crecemento/Desenvolvemento Económico: Do optimismo do século XX ás incertezas do XXI. Francisco Diniz – Investigador do CETRAD.

17:45–18:00 – Pausa-Café.

18:00–18:45 – Programas de Desenvolvemento Rural e políticas de inclusión social: Enfoque comparativo de Portugal e España no marco da normativa europea. María Barreiro Gen – Profesora-tutora do Centro Asociado da UNED de Lugo (Aula de Viveiro). Investigadora Predoutoral da UDC.

18:45–20:00 – Mesa redonda: Desigualdade, pobreza e desenvolvemento rural. Modera: Asunción López Arranz Participantes: Mela López – Cáritas, Carmen Gago Cortés – Profesora de Organización de Empresas. UDC. Mestrado en Políticas Públicas (UDC), Francisco Diniz (UTAD).

20:00 – 20:15 – Clausura. Alberto Moisés Núñez – Director da Facultade de Ciencia do Traballo da Universidade da Coruña.

Descarga: Libro Ruralidade e pobreza na euro-rexión Galicia-Norte de Portugal: efectos da crise económica (PDF)

3rd Workshop on Economic Development and Social Sustainability

Plenary Sessions of the 3rd Workshop on
Economic Development and Social Sustainability
The inequality globalization gap

A Coruña, September 22, 2014

Faculty of Economics and Business
Campus Elviña s/n


08.30-08.45 Welcome, presentation and collect documentation.

8.45-9.00 Opening ceremony. Isabel Novo Corti, Head of the Department of Economic Analysis and Business, University of A Coruna (UDC) and Moisés Alberto García Núñez, Dean of the Faculty of Labour Sciences (UDC).


Fernando González Laxe, Professor of Applied Economics (UDC): “El desarrollo económico y social sostenible en las áreas marítimo-costeras”.

Chair: María Asunción López Arranz, Secretary of the Faculty of Labour Sciences (UDC).

10.00-11.15 SESSION I. Desenvolvemento e igualdade no ámbito universitario

María Novas Ferradás, Architect, Master of Applied Research of Feminist, Gender and Citizenship studies. Fellow of the Office for Gender Equality (UDC).

Alexandra Vila Figueira, Graduated in Industry Design and Product Development. Fellow of the Office for Gender Equality (2013/2014) (UDC).

Alba Queija Pérez, Industry Design and Product Development student. Fellow of the Office for Gender Equality (2013/2014) (UDC).

Chair: Ana Jesús López Díaz, Head of the Office for Gender Equality (UDC).

11.15-11.45 Break.

11.45-13.00 SESSION II. Knowledge and innovation. Some experiences

Angela Albu, University «Stefan cel Mare» Suceava, Romania: “Best practices in eco-innovation developed at European level”.

Emilian M. Dobrescu, Romanian Academy, Romania and Diana Pociovalisteanu, University of Targu-Jiu, Romania: “Regional Development: Romania’s case”.

Chair: Laura Varela Candamio. Assistant professor of Economic Analysis and Business (UDC).

13.00-15.15 Lunch time.


15.15-16.30 SESSION III. Constitutional law and social development

Gabriela Nemtoi, University «Stefan cel Mare» Suceava, Romania: “The rules on economic growth in democratic governance”.

Gustavo A. Díaz Valencia, University of Santo Tomás, Colombia: “Incidencia del Tratado de Libre Comercio con Estados Unidos en la competitividad del sector agrícola colombiano”.

Ana Aba Catoira, Lecturer of Constitutional Law (UDC): “Sostenibilidad e igualdad desde el punto de vista del Derecho Constitucional español”.

José Picatoste, Post graduate student (UDC): “Medidas de fomento de inclusión laboral para paliar los efectos de la crisis económica en el mercado de trabajo de colectivos en especial dificultad en España”.

Chair: María Barreiro Gen, Predoctoral researcher (UDC). Assistant professor in the UNED.

16.30-17.00 Break.


Valeriano Rosales Escuredo, Head of the Technical Unit of A Coruna of the Housing and Land Institute (Xunta of Galicia): “Pasado, presente y futuro de las ayudas para el acceso a vivienda”.

Chair: Mª del Carmen Gago Cortés, Graduated in Economics Sciences and Master of Management and Public Policies. PhD Student. Doctorate Program in Economic and Business Analysis (UDC).

18.00-19.00 SESSION IV. Desarrollo económico, sostenibilidad social y contextos inclusivos

Rocío Botana Iglesias and Juan Blanco Aradas, Architects Without Borders NGO: «La experiencia del Proyecto Mulleres Colleiteiras».

Chair: Mª del Carmen Gago Cortés, Graduated in Economics Sciences and Master of Management and Public Policies. PhD Student. Doctorate Program in Economic and Business Analysis (UDC).

19.00-19.15 Closing meeting. Isabel Novo Corti, Head of the Department of Economic Analysis and Business (UDC).

2nd Workshop on Economic Development and Social Sustainability

Plenary Sessions of the 2nd Workshop on
Economic Development and Social Sustainability

A Coruña, May 2013

Faculty of Economics and Business
Campus Elviña s/n

Wednesday, 8th May 2013: Gender and labor market

10.00-10.30 Welcome, presentation and collect documentation
10.30-11.00 Opening ceremony
11.00-12.15 Conference
12.15-12.45 Coffee-break
12.45-14.00 Conference presentations
14.00-15.45 Lunch
15.45-17.00 Conference
17.00-18.00 Conference presentations
18.00-19.00 Conference

Friday, 10th May 2013: The role of women in the maritime activities

10.30-11.45 Seminar presentation
10.45-11.15 Coffee-break
11.15-12.00 Conference
12:00-14:00 Panel Discussion
14.00-16.00 Lunch
16.00-18.00 Panel Discussion
18.00-18.30 Conference
18.30-18.45 Conclusions
18.45-19.30 Closing ceremony

1st Workshop on Economic Development and Social Sustainability

Plenary Sessions of the 1st Workshop on
Economic Development and Social Sustainability

A Coruña, December 2012

Faculty of Economics and Business
Campus Elviña s/n

Thursday, 13th December 2012

10.00-10.30 Welcome, presentation and collect documentation
10.30-11.30 Opening ceremony: Learning and information management in the knowledge society. Isabel Novo-Corti, Laura Varela-Candamio, José Reyes Bernal Bellón, Eva Espiñeira, Miltiadis Lytras, Diana Pociovalisteanu, Federico Martín Palmero, María Asnción López Arranz.
11.30-12.00 Coffee-break
12.00-13.00 Conference. Economic Growth, distribution and conflict. José Reyes Bernal Bellón (University of Santo Tomás, Colombia)
13.00-14.00 Conference presentations: sessions 1 – 2
14.00-15.15 Lunch
15.15-16.00 Conference. Collective and institutional responsibility in the educational training. The case of Network Link (Red Enlaces) María Graciela Badilla Quintana (Chile) – Presentation on-line via Skype
16.00-16.45 Conference. Innovation as a driver of development in SMEs. Laura Varela Candamio (University of A Coruña, Spain)
16.45-17.15 Coffee-break
17.15-18.15 Conference presentations: session 3
18.15-19.15Conference. The role of education in social and labor inclusion. Isabel Novo-Corti (University of A Coruña, Spain), and Panel Discussion: José Reyes Bernal Bellón, Eva Espiñeira, Marisa Ron Fraga, Mª Dolores López. Chair: Isabel Novo-Corti.

Friday, 14th December 2012

10.00-10.45 Conference. The role of small and medium cities in the development of the local economies. Francisco Diniz (University of Tras dos Montes, Portugal)
10.45-11.30 Conference. The impact of economic geography on regional disparities and human capital accumulation. Jesús López-Rodríguez (University of A Coruña, Spain)
11.30-12.00 Coffee-break
12.00-13.00 Conference presentations: session 4 & 5
13.00-13.45 Conference. Urban areas: housing as a factor of social inclusion. The Gypsy. Carmela Gago Cortés (University of A Coruña, Spain)
13.45-15.15 Lunch
15.15-16.00 Conference. Economic growth, democratic governance and social development: an integrative approach. Isidoro Romero Luna, (University of Seville, Spain)
16.00-16.30 Coffee-break
16.30-17.30 Panel Discussion. Social and labor integration in the knowledge society: Groups at exclusion risk. Carmela Gago Cortés, Cristina Justo Suárez, Nuria Rebollo Quintela. Chair: María Barreiro-Gen.
17.30-18.30 Closing ceremony and handing of certificates. Fernando González Laxe. Professor of Applied Economics (University of A Coruña, Spain). Ex-President of Galician Government.

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